We BEElieve In User Generated Content
As the popularity of social media continues to increase, so does the importance of User Generated Content [UGC]. UGC is content that portrays genuine, personal experiences and can’t be recreated by a brand alone. Read on for tricks the Buzz team uses to capitalize UGC to promote beneficial content.
Power of the Hashtag
Hashtags encourage consumers to create and include your organization in valuable content. Including your hashtag on other media forms is easy and will promote further social interaction. They also help categorize and are an easy, organic form of digital marketing.
Incent your Content
Incentives add value to content and are a valuable way to encourage people to incorporate your hashtag and create valuable content. You’ll be surprised at the response rate when offers like free samples, gifts, discounts, etc. are paired with your post. Consumers are crazy for incentives.
UGC Showcase
Be sure to include User Generated photos on all digital media, social, website, billboards, mailers, etc. Doing so provides your audience a genuine connection to real people who love your property. It’s also a fun way to celebrate your favorite clientele.
Simply put, UGC is a powerful source for marketing teams if promoted properly. It also offers a creative, cost-effective way to enhance your social media, website, while optimizing your SEO and SEM.
The Buzz Creative Group is here to help with your social media and any other advertising needs. Please feel free to reach out to us today at lauren@thebuzzcompanies.com.